We can Help Children Thrive in the Post-Pandemic World

Helping children thrive through character and civic education

Children who are taught Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) skills are more likely to graduate from high school and college and have full-time employment, while being less likely to commit crimes, be on public assistance, and have drug, alcohol and mental health problems.

The Charity for Change Program gives children the essential tools they need to battle negative influences, build a positive self-image and be ready to learn. To break the cycle of poverty, we must teach children that they are an important part of our community and that they have the tools to succeed in school and later in life!

Charity for Change successfully addresses those developmental outcomes through SEL, academic achievement and civic/cultural development. The program teaches these critical foundational skills using research-based strategies for implementing behavior change, including role-play practice, direct instruction of social skills and giving back to the community through volunteering and service learning.

Not entirely a new educational concept, civic learning is being promoted again after lessons learned during the pandemic. Importantly, it is the part SEL that helps connect people to care for their communities. For a community to thrive, people need opportunities to meet, discuss issues and address problems.

Charity for Change serves 5,000 pre-K through 5th grade at-risk children annually in Immokalee, East Naples, Golden Gate and Everglades City through Title 1 afterschool, summer school and in-school programs. Ninety-five percent of students served are classified as economically needy.

With a 13-year proven record of success, Charity for Change is committed to making a societal change by changing the way we educate children, starting from the heart. The program is dedicated to elevating children to their highest potential. Academics are critical to breaking the cycle of poverty, but even more critical are the foundational skills children need to build self-efficacy, self-esteem and resiliency. These skills are the gateway to learning and fulfillment. Charity for Change gives children the essential tools they need to battle the negative influences and to build a positive self-image and be ready to learn.

To help address the impact of the pandemic on mental health and academics, Charity for Change expanded and upgraded its programs through community grants and individual financial support. A video program was developed to reach students in their home with activities. The program also modified its platform to deliver the SEL curriculum simultaneously at home and the classroom and expanded its curriculum by more than 400%.

To meet the needs of children affected by distance learning, blended learning and the aftermath, the new curriculum can operate simultaneously and/or transition from virtual learning to the classroom instantly. The new videos and complimentary curriculum help children cope with the crisis and uncertainties of current events.

The expanded online curriculum blends SEL skills of character and value education, parent engagement, community and charitable involvement with a standards-based math and language arts curriculum while incorporating foundational competencies recognized by educational experts, including:

  • Understanding and managing emotions
  • Setting and achieving positive goals
  • Feeling and showing empathy for others
  • Establishing and maintaining positive relationships
  • Making responsible decisions

Although the pandemic will wind down, the social, emotional, mental health, academic and civic backslide will create a great need for appropriate education programs. By teaching these foundational skills, Charity for Change is helping to level the playing field for our community’s at-risk children.

Click here for additional information about how the Charity for Change Program can help children thrive in the post-pandemic world.


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